It’s the 3rd Sunday since Belgium entered the national lockdown. I got almost anxious when looking at the numbers of nation wide confirmed numbers, before realising number is nothing because most of us aren’t even getting tested. Feel immediately better thinking about this.
For a normal Sunday, me and friends would go in town to have some crepe for brunch sometimes. There is this really cute brunch place in town offering salty crepes as well as sweet ones. I miss it, so this morning, I made some crepes myself, a bit broken as seen in the photo below, but not bad at all. Basic skills when living in Europe 😉

It’s difficult to stay active for a lazy person like me. Luckily I’m blessed to be someone whose weight keeps the same the whole year, no matter how much I eat and how less sport I do. But after realising how lazy I’ve been these few weeks, I decided to spend some times on a balancing board.

Maybe after this lockdown I can balance as well as a surfer lol, Then I’ll get myself a real surf board!

Btw, earlier I went outside for the first time in 10 days or so, I even went inside a supermarket (for a few second, didn’t buy anything though). Vlog coming soon, stay tuned!
The next week I’ll start doing some at-home abs workout, although I really doubt whether I’ll do it. I’ve downloaded some gifs on my phone, no more excuses not to do it at least. I plan to go somewhere warm and sunny, with nice beaches after this lockdown, so I really need abs. Wish me good luck.