How are you Hivers!
The weather has been surprisingly great lately, normally the lockdown will be extended another 10 days, the other day I saw some policemen checking the cars on the road near where I live, to get some fines. But it seems like they aren’t so consistent, I haven’t seen them ever since.
These few days I sometimes take a walk around, to small or big parks (where else can you go right?) Maybe lockdown makes me appreciate more on random things in life, I’ve never felt flowers and grass sooooo cheerful, since inter-continental trips seem still far away, I think they said the Schengen Area border will keep closed until summer at earliest.
Maybe there will be flights within Europe tho, it could be good chance to revisit some places in the neighbour countries, I haven’t travelled inside Europe that much except for some Paris weekend getaways. It’s probably quite nice to see those popular cities with fewer mass tourists, let’s see.

btw: some of the shops start to reopen slowly, the first ones being flower shops, surprising?
