I live in Belgium and for me a city trip in Paris is always something to do. We have this Thalys train and its cheaper version Izy train between Brussels and Paris. There are many Parisians living in Brussels and vice versa, besides these regular commuters, we love travelling to Paris. It’s a city that you can never finish exploring. I always try to stay in different neighbourhoods, in order to see more areas of the city.
This time I chose to stay in Belleville neighbourhood. Belleville was once considered as a rather unsafe neighbourhood, now still not the safest area, where you can see some prostitutes nearby the metro stop. Yet in the meanwhile it is such a vivid, interesting and multi-ethnic district to stay.
a famous grafitti wall in Belleville.
a mini garden on the street
Maybe you’ve already heard about the unusual amount of rainfall in Paris lately, which causes the flooding of The Seine. Look how high the water reaches ? I hope the water won’t rise more since I didn’t bring my rain boots, don’t want to walk in the floods.
Could you spot @liflorence in this picture? It was such a coincidence that we happen to travel in Paris at the same time! We met last week in Belgium and now again in Paris, cool, isn’t it?
The area is extremely lively on Friday evening, there’re so many clubs and nice cafés all around.
an Art Nouveau architecture club
Popular club and café decorated with the African jungle theme. If you don’t drink, come here during the day, it’s a nice café too.
I’m here in Paris for a long weekend and I’m going to explore this lovely city a bit more after so many visits already. Stay tuned 🙂
美丽城曾经是个不太安全的区域,现在依旧不是最安全的区,然而大量的外来人口也给美丽城带来一些鲜活的血液,除了红磨坊Pigalle一带,在巴黎我最喜欢的地方就是美丽城了。缤纷的街头艺术,生动的夜生活… 这附近聚集了很多中餐非洲餐厅,咖啡店和酒吧。
巴黎最近狂下雨的新闻可能很多人都看到了,我从来没看到过水位那么高的塞纳河,感觉再下几天雨,巴黎就要被淹了,哈。河边有不少有情调的酒吧,其中有个叫做La Comptoir Général,隐蔽在街上的一个小门走进去才别有洞天,里面很大,装饰风格像非洲丛林主题,周五晚上巴黎的年轻人都出来玩了!