I’ve been to Paris quite a few times, since it only takes less than 2 hours with the fast train from Brussels. Every time I go, I can somehow always find something new to do, it’s a city that never disappoints me.
This time I visited the brand new Atelier des Lumieres. After years of renovation works, it finally opened to the public with 3 exhibitions of in total 1 hour: Poetic_Ai, Hundertwasser, Gustav Klimt. Both exhibitions were amazing, especially the Klimt. I’ve seen some of his paintings before in Pompidou and other museums, but the light show with the colors, moving images, the visuals and the accompanying music made it an memorable experience, with strong and wonderful emotions triggered ,simply nothing else comparable.
The exhibition is still running until Nov, I absolutely recommend sparing 1 hour of your visit in Paris for this. Getting your ticket online in advance can save your queuing time. It opens till 10 pm at weekends, I went inside at around 9 pm, there’re fewer people compared to during the day and you can easily find a spot to sit down or lie down.
Thanks for reading.

今年巴黎新开了Atelier des Lumiere这个灯光艺术工坊,经过几年的改建,曾经的铸造厂摇身一变,成了今年最夯的艺术厅。下次来巴黎有新地方去了!
之前我介绍了很多巴黎的博物馆,但是大家也知道,博物馆逛多了也会觉得有点无聊,都是静止的画。而现在在灯光艺术馆里面,可以直接靠墙坐下,欣赏美轮美奂的灯光秀。而且主题可是都是大牌艺术家的作品,为了庆祝Atelier des Lumiere开业,今年的开场秀是Poetic_Ai, Hundertwasser, Gustav Klimt三个大艺术家的作品。尤其Gustav Klimt,很多人慕名而来。