Place St. Gery – my favorite area to hang out in Brussels. 布鲁塞尔聚会好去处

Place St. Gery is one of my favorite spots to hang out with friends in Brussels. The square is around the St. Gery Hall which is the place to be. It is a rather small square yet busy with lots of bars where one can relax and enjoy the Brussels gem.

The area is is full of cafes, it is especially nice during the summer time when everyone enjoyed “terrasjes doen” (Flemish word, means sit outside in the terrace). Most of the time on a warm sunny day, you will find the terraces full. But no worries, there a lot of cafes around and they are spacious inside. You can find all kinds of cafes here, big, small, jazz, etc.

让我们一起去布鲁塞尔中心的一个非常热闹的酒吧聚集的St. Gery 广场看看。St. Gery广场以一个旧时的带顶棚的市场命名。广场虽然很小,但是周围都是各种小酒吧,是过来放松娱乐的好地方,是城市里很有特色的地方。


Place Poelaert – the best view point in Brussels city 布鲁塞尔最佳观景点

I believe many people are like me, when traveling in a city, would search for a view spot to get a panorama view over the city. Today I’d like to show my dear Steemit friends the best viewpoint in Brussels city, Place Poelaert. Being at a rather elevated level, the Poelaert square, where the huge Justice Palace is located, offers a breathtaking view of the city.

Brussels is not that big so everywhere is basically walkable, but Place Poelaert is located in the higher part of the city, to get there, you can also take a tram 93 or 92 fromDQmRt7HaUaZZJgh1tr4kEzwLZiL4i52y4FiiKopx2T2bzqg_1680x8400.jpgSablon and Palace area, or take a lift from the lower part of the city, Les Marolles.

相信很多人都跟我一样,每到一个城市,尤其是结束旅行的时候,有机会就会登上高点,眺望整个城市。一是可以放松心情,二是可以看看这些天都去了城市的那些区域。布鲁塞尔总体以海拔分成两篇区域,今天我要介绍布鲁塞尔法宫所在的 Poelaert广场,这里可是观景的最好去处。

虽然布鲁塞尔老城区并不大,我去哪里都可以步行,但是从大广场过来有一定坡度,所以也可以从中心火车站或者沙布伦地区乘坐93和92路电车。火车从广场附近的低城Les Marolles区域坐电梯上来就可以。