Popular Peruvian street BBQ snack – Anticuchos

Anticucho, which in Quechua language means cut stew meat, is a popular street food in Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and Chile. It’s a sort of BBQ marinated meat, accompanied with roast potatoes and a type of peanut sauce(I realy LOVE this sauce). The most common one, as shown in the picture above, is made of beef heart (anticuchos de corazón).


It’s a very local food, every one in the street knows it. I often just ask people in the street for it when I travel to a new city in the region, and they would mostly laugh and then show me the way. In Lima center I tried Anticucho made of Intestine and in Copacabana, Titicaca lake I tried the ones made of beef stomach. Actually once in Palermo, Sicily I also had similar night Intestine BBQ.

这可以说是当地的国民小吃了,人人都知道,我也特别喜欢,去了很多城市都直接问街上的人那里有烤牛心,他们看我一个游客对烤牛心那么好奇都觉得很有意思然后友好的向我指路。于是在南美我吃到了各种各样的烤串. 最常见是牛心,但在利马靠近中国城的地方也吃过烤大肠,在玻利维亚也吃过烤鸡胗。其实几年前在意大利的西西里岛,我也曾经吃过烤大肠,不过南美的花生酱更好吃。

I feel quite satisfied every time, as it sort of remind me of my hometown in China, when I was a teenager, I went out sometimes in the summer with my friends, we can sit for hours next to the food stalls, talking and enjoying the BBQed everything(vegetables, meat, fish, tofu……so many kind of them, if you ever go to China, don’t miss it!)


Local lady making anticucho in La Paz,
