Today I went on a day trip to Claude Monet’s House and Gardens in Giverny. I’ve heard about Monet’s story of Giverny before and I always wanted to visit it one day. Monet noticed Giverny while looking out of a train window. Later he rented a house at the area. In 1890 he gathered enough money to buy the house and created the magnificent gardens he wanted to paint. I’ve seen many of his paintings he painted in the garden before, which made me want to visit Giverny one day. Claude Monet is not only a genius impressionist painter, but also a very talented gardener. His garden in Giverny is all gardeners’ dream. The gardens were filled with beautiful flowers. Some I had never seen before. 今天我去了法国诺曼底去的吉维尼市。这个小城以莫奈曾经住过的花园闻名。之前听说过莫奈和吉维尼的故事,以及花园的一些介绍,一直想来这里看看。据说莫奈有一次从经过吉维尼的火车车窗眺望这个城市,觉得这里宁静有美丽。后来他在这附近租了一个房子,直到1890年,莫奈攒够了钱买了一大块地,小部分建成了房子,大部分的地建成了这个传奇的花园,自那以后,莫奈经常在花园里作画,也诞生了很多像《睡莲》这样有名的画作。 我看过莫奈在这个花园创作一些画,觉得很震惊。今天终于可以来到这里一探究竟。莫奈不仅仅是个天才的印象派画家,也是个非常有灵气的花园家。所以来过这个花园的人都不禁惊叹。这个吉维尼花园成了很多人的梦想花园。对我来说这里甚至像是花卉的百科全书,很多的花我以前都没怎么见过。
I went up early today to be able to catch an early train in La Gare Saint-Lazare. Back in 1877, Monet painted several paintings of the station. Compared to 100 years ago, la Gare Saint-Lazare has barely changed, except for the steam trains that are replaced by much faster trains.
Giverny city is quite dedicated to its tourism. When I stepped out of the train, I noticed that the Monet elements were everywhere, from the train station Vernon-Giverny to the regular shuttle buses that meet the train schedule. On a sunny day, you can also rent a bicycle to the garden.
看得出吉维尼地区有在努力搞旅游业 。踏出火车的那一刻开始,从火车站本身到花园的接驳巴士,无一不充满了“莫奈”的元素。接驳巴士跟火车到达时间无缝衔接,非常方便。如果是好天气,也可以在火车站对面租一辆自行车自己骑车去花园。
Even though I took an early train, still there were many visitors queuing, everyone loves Monet! The garden is a good size, walkable, not that huge, but with a lot of beauty to see.
The garden is divided into two parts separated by an underpass leading to the famous ponds with a Japanese style bridge and the water lilies. The flowers are simply amazing, so much variety, I felt like I had never seen so many different kind of flowers before. The magic thing of the garden is that Monet planted all kind of flowers blooming in different seasons. So no matter when you come, there’s always something new to see.
My favorite spot in the garden. Monet has painted this spot many times too.
The underpass leading to the famous ponds with water lilies, can’t wait to check it out.
Water lilies and ponds, this reminded me of the water lily pond I had back in the school in China. There was also a water lily pond, with less color and flowers.
Bamboo forests.
The sight of the serene water lily pond and the Japanese bridge is just enchanting and mesmerizing. It was surrounded with different flowers, daisies, lilies, gladiola, hydrangeas and lavender…… Even with a great number of tourists, it was still enjoyable and hard to leave.
Except for the breathtaking gardens, Monet’s house is also worth seeing. He has a large collection of paintings in the house. I was fascinated by the beautiful views from his living and showing room. In many rooms of the houses, Japanese paintings can be found on every wall. Monet was also a great fan of bamboo, he used bamboo as decoration and materials for some furniture. I feel lucky to visit Monet’s gardens and house in Giverny. It was truly inspiring for me. I hope you liked it as well.
Thanks for reading!