hkdev404 (Tron or Justin Sun) just voted for triple.aaa as witness after vesting 870k more SP, making triple.aaa entering top 20.

Well, despite the other day during a text meeting with Korean community and consensus witnesses in SCT discord channel, Justin saying:

Despite claiming sock puppets “not sock puppet”, apparently Justin’s goal is still to “buy” existing community witnesses, to reach the consensus he wants, as he mentioned in another town hall some days ago, “will discuss with witnesses one by one” 🙂
I haven’t been active on twitter due to the current corona lockdown irl. But heard dude has blocked literally everyone on twitter? (check https://twitter.com/hashtag/steemhostiletakeover you’ll find all the screen shot) BTW have you read this bloomberg article yet? The JS massive twitter block probably has something to do with either that or just he’s learning some twitter tricks from @ned lol.
Never mind, where are we now?
Stalemate still, with witnesses/sock puppet number swing between 8,9 or10 each. Whether Justin’s plan of discussing with witnesses one by one is gonna work in the end doesn’t matter much any more imho. I only know I’m prepared to continue to blog/vlog together with like-minded ones.