Don’t know if I’m weird but I’ve always preferred 20 ºC partly cloudy summer days. In this case, I must admit that Belgium is a great place for me to live, the Belgium summer is much more pleasant than its dark and rainy winter.

photo above taken during the first heat wave of 2020 one or two weeks ago, the weather I can’t really take, I’d normally prevent going outside or have to carry water bottle if I go out.

Part of the reason why I can’t take those heat wave days is because I don’t have an air conditioner, not even this kind of mobile ones, which is getting more and more common these few years here. The central AC is still not a thing here, because heat wave is often very short (getting more and more often tho, global warming is real), last year there were 3 heat waves, this year, thank god, only seems to be another one yet to come…

anyways, I really enjoy these 20 degree summer days, can cruise along the river

Hope you enjoyed your day too!