The Balkan Peninsula certainly has a lot of nearly intact nature, yet during my last trip there I didn’t drop by more natural sites other than Biogradska Gora national park. This is the only nature area I went to and was a surprise to me.
the closed ticket office |
I stayed in Kolasin and did a day trip to Biogradska, as I probably already mentioned in my vlog during the trip. Today I’d like to show you more pictures of the trip and some practical information at the bottom of the post. Hopefully it could be useful if you want to have a holiday near Kolasin, which is also a wonderful delighted ski vacation destination, as good as the Alps.
The turnoff point to the national park on the main road.
To get to the ticket office, you need to crossed a bridge first.
forest |
waterfall |
In the off season, even the deck wasn’t in the middle any more. It was drifted away.
beautiful reflection
There was no other tourist that day, all the photos with me inside was taken with my Polaroid cube, not the best but pretty handy and practical.
The other day @getonthetrain wrote in a comment that he prefers to live in the nature rather than in the city, I guess these huts are for you then.
Staying in such huts must make a great experience especially in the summer, I hope there are a bigger group of people staying there, otherwise it would be a bit scary.
Wooden huts in the forest |
inside the hut |
Practical notes:
- From Kolasin you can take a taxi to the park, it takes 30 minutes and costs 10 euro one way. Alternatively you can take a bus (quite regular) to Mojkovac and ask the driver to drop you off at the turnoff point, it costs 1 euro (not a very big saving but still).
- Do remind the driver to stop when approaching the point, he might forget even though you’ve already told him.
- A taxi might be able to drive you another 4-5 km up to the lake during the summer, but when I was there in the middle of March, cars couldn’t go through the ticket office. You’ll still need to walk up yourself, which is a nice trek by the way.
- The ticket office was closed, so you enter for free. But the restaurants and cafes were also closed, so pack some drinks and snack with you if you are not going there in the high tourist season, starting May.
- The wooden huts inside the park cost around 20-30 euro but in March there wasn’t any personnel in charge of it. They look nice inside. Alternatively, there are some very nice eco villages, with a bunch of mini chalets with only a bed in it. Looking pretty cool like this in the neighbourhood of the park, yet the transfer is high (40 euro only to pick you up) if you don’t have your own transfer.
在黑山的中部有一个Biograska Gora,之前在Vlog里已经提到我那天过去徒步的故事,今天主要是想分享更多的照片和有用 的旅行讯息,希望能给大家种草黑山共和国这个美丽的度假国家。
我去Biograska Gora的时候其实是住在Kolasin这个城市,Kolasin非常美,是个滑雪小镇,可以跟阿尔卑斯山国家媲美,而且游客不算多,物价也比阿尔卑斯山要便宜很多。可以去Kolasin来个滑雪假期,顺便去Biograska Gora国家公园欣赏美景。
从Kolasin去国家公园不远,坐车30分钟,可以直接打车过去,10欧元,或者你也跟我一样,有充足的时间,本着省钱为主的旅行,可以搭乘大巴,大巴只要1欧哦,方向Mojkovac的大巴都会经过Biograska Gora国家公园,但是不要忘了提醒司机停车。
Biograska Gora很大,有各种徒步路线,如果要全部看过来估计一天也不够,我怕没有回去的交通,就只是沿着湖走一圈,也是非常美!如果希望在这里多待几天好好玩玩的,也可以选择待在山间的小木屋,像是隐士一般的体验,应该很不错,小木屋内部环境不错,也只需要20-30欧一晚,我去的时候是锁着的,也没见到工作人员,我猜从5月开始旺季肯定会很受欢迎的。如果这个这种小木屋还不够炫酷,Biograska Gora国家公园附近还有一些特别的生态村,有那种只放下一张床的迷你小木屋,特别可爱,但是不自驾去那里不容易,因为需要付高昂的接送费。