YSL’s blue Jardin Majorelle in Marrakech, Morocco

 Jardin Majorelle, a beautiful garden with an impressive shade of blue. The garden is a bit outside the busy center of Marrakech. It’s like a oasis in the pink city of Marrakech. Here you can see so many different colors, all of high saturation. Especially this delightful shade of blue, which makes me feel tranquil immediately. Designer YSL bought this garden and after he passed away it is now open to public. They said this kind blue is YSL blue, I love the color even though I’m not that familiar with YSL’s fashion.

They use a lot of blue and yellow color in the garden. 

摩洛哥马拉喀什市的马若雷勒花园。花园的主色调是一种很美丽的蓝色调。花园坐落在市郊,离马拉喀什喧嚣的市中心有一段距离。她就像是绿洲一样的存在,对于马拉喀什这座离沙漠不远的粉红城市。相比马拉喀什粉灰的色调, 马若雷勒花园则是大胆运用各种饱和度很高的颜色,我最喜欢的还是花园的主色调蓝色。设计师YSL曾经买下了这个花园作为私家花园,他过世以后这个花园开始向公共开放。据说这种蓝色是YSL先生喜欢运用的蓝色,我对时尚不那么理解,但是真的单纯觉得这个蓝色很美。