Expo Van Gogh – The Immersive Experience light show in Brussels

If you are a Van Gogh fan, until the end of the year in Brussels and Paris, there’re currently expos going on, don’t miss it if you are in the neighbourhood.

Went to check the one in Brussels the other day, I’d say I prefer Atelier des Lumieres in Paris as a better light show exbihition place, went there to see the Glimt show earlier this year. bigger hall and less crowded (better photo opportunities), but since I don’t plan to visit Paris anytime soon, so I just visited the expo in De Beurs in Brussels.

Always pass this building but had never been inside.

There’re two main halls: one with Vincent Van Gogh’s life in South France, including the decorations and painting for his rooms.

De Beurs is a nice building after all.

Some of Van Gogh’s most famous paintings were projected on the walls. I’ll try to edit a video later, the show was stunning.

My favorite part of the show.

这两天在布鲁塞尔中心有一个梵高灯光展览。我一直很喜欢这种灯光幻影展览系列,躺着看动画比逛博物馆有意思多了,这个展览同时在巴黎的Atelier des lumieres也有展览,在Ins上面看到觉得巴黎的展厅更适合看展,比较空旷,空间也比较适合灯光展。


