While visiting the east side of Berlin, I discovered Haus Schwarzenberg street art alley accidentally. It’s a narrow passage in the middle of a shopping street, full of very intricate and cool murals and tags.
Haus Schwarzenberg started as a non-profit arts organisation that occupies the building deep within the Hackescher Markt and the alley next to it. The alley truly has a vibrant atmosphere, combined with creativity in this courtyard, you can spot some works made by famous street artists such as El Bocho, Stinkfish, Otto Schade, etc.
There are two cafe’s and an ice-pop shop in the valley, you can relax with beautiful graffiti.

今天我想介绍一下柏林的Haus Schwarzenberg涂鸦墙艺术街。这条街比较隐蔽,藏在一条商业街的一个小弄堂。进去以后才发现别有洞天,墙面布满了有意思的涂鸦。不宽也不长的街看得我目不暇接。
涂鸦作品也不乏著名的街头艺术创作者,比如El Bocho, Stinkfish, Otto Schade等。如果你喜欢街头艺术,不要忘记在逛柏林东部的时候来这里逛逛。Haus Schwarzenberg有两家露天咖啡店,一家画廊,和一个卖冰棍的店,可以在这里拍拍玩玩。