L’atelier en Ville – an Artsy blend of furniture / home decor / clothing / coffee 这家咖啡店卖家具还卖衣服

Let me introduce my new favorite cafe that I accidentally found out the other day while wandering around in town. It is called L’atelier en Ville, a cafe spot housed in old warehouse type building in Brussels city. In fact it is a mix of a furniture shop, a boutique shop and a coffee shop, sounds like a strange combination but all the elements blend in together greatly and create a unique atmosphere.


DQmRt7HaUaZZJgh1tr4kEzwLZiL4i52y4FiiKopx2T2bzqg_1680x8400.jpgL’atelier en Ville is located in Les Marolles, a bohemian neighborhood of Brussels. Judging from outside, it looks like another hipster Nordic cafe with the minimalist Scandinavian style interior design, which I normally don’t like that much (more for the warm traditional European cafe). After a scroll in the neighborhood, I would kill for some coffee so I just stepped in.

L’atelier en Ville这个咖啡店位于我之前介绍过的Les Marolles街区。从外面看,有点像那种欧洲很多城市流行的北欧简约风的咖啡店,通常相比较这样高冷风格的咖啡店,我反倒更喜欢那种温暖的传统欧洲咖啡店,巴黎街角的那种。但是那天走到这里有点累所以就进去喝了杯咖啡,发现这个咖啡店别有洞天。

It is a huge place. When I entered the shop, the first I saw was half of the first floor being a boutique shop, where the Spanish owner picks the greatest clothing pieces.


I don’t know if almost 5 euro for a hot chocolate in center Brussels is considered overpriced or not (I guess being so trendy means not-so-cheap?), but they do make quite decent coffee at least. Bagel and speculoos cheesecake seem tasty as well.


When I was waiting for the coffee, I decided to check out the upstairs. Thought it might be an extension of the cafe but it turned out to be a furniture shop, to my surprise. You can get your tables and chairs designed here.


My favorite corner of the cafe/shop is definitely this wooden piece home decor. The owner is absolutely creative. You can customize everything on these wooden pieces, making a whole wooden wall out of it, or a wooden Instagram photo wall, paintings, a set of colorful wooden boxes, or even make it lightened. As a fan of wooden decor, I loved it.


There is also this lovely bohemian back garden. I believe when it is during the summer days, it could be quite relaxing to sit outside. The atmosphere there is laid-back, informal and pleasant. I thinkDQmRt7HaUaZZJgh1tr4kEzwLZiL4i52y4FiiKopx2T2bzqg_1680x8400.jpgL’atelier en Ville is a perfect place for a Sunday brunch with some friends. Surely worth a visit, if you are into loft-style architecture, plants, fashion, design, or simply some tasty coffee.

咖啡店也有一个挺大的波西米亚风格的后花园。现在已经是秋天,我去的时候天气不是很好,花园完全被闲置了。但是我可以想象在天气好的夏天,肯定气氛很好。L’atelier en Ville提供不错的早午餐,跟朋友们挑个周日的中午来这里吃早午餐应该会很不错。如果你也喜欢这样的装修风格,喜欢逛衣服店,或者像我一样,仅仅是喜欢喝咖啡,来布鲁塞尔的时候不要错过这里。

Thanks for reading!
