#OOTD – summer ootd


I love summer days, in the summer you can wear more colorful clothes.

In fact, most of my clothes the whole year round are quite colorful, because life is already boring, we need more colors! But let’s be honest, sometimes it’s difficult to find colorful a winter coat (I’m still trying!)

I love taking mirror selfies in the elevator because elevator time is boring, if you are lucky, you’ve got a nice mirror inside so you can take selfies like this.

I did got caught by neighbours a couple of times when I forgot to push the button and they entered, found me inside taking pictures…. that was embarrasing, thank you, Instagram stories!

Above are my ootds from the past two weeks, I don’t go outside every day but those were the days I went outside!

Weather has been comfortable these days, 21-25 degrees, so you can wear summer clothes but without sweating!


Most of the clothing pieces are from MONKI, thrifting shops

Most of my bags are from MINITMUTE