Place St. Gery is one of my favorite spots to hang out with friends in Brussels. The square is around the St. Gery Hall which is the place to be. It is a rather small square yet busy with lots of bars where one can relax and enjoy the Brussels gem.
The area is is full of cafes, it is especially nice during the summer time when everyone enjoyed “terrasjes doen” (Flemish word, means sit outside in the terrace). Most of the time on a warm sunny day, you will find the terraces full. But no worries, there a lot of cafes around and they are spacious inside. You can find all kinds of cafes here, big, small, jazz, etc.
让我们一起去布鲁塞尔中心的一个非常热闹的酒吧聚集的St. Gery 广场看看。St. Gery广场以一个旧时的带顶棚的市场命名。广场虽然很小,但是周围都是各种小酒吧,是过来放松娱乐的好地方,是城市里很有特色的地方。
Brussels is not a very big city and its center is fairly compact. Place St. Gery is simply one block away from the the Brussels Stock Exchange building and only 10 minutes away from the Grand Place. You can find many locals as well as tourists coming here, so it makes a nice mix.
跟欧洲很多城市一样,布鲁塞尔的中心虽小,五脏俱全。从主街上过来只要两分钟,从大广场走过来也不到十分钟就到了。所以在St. Gery广场可以看到游客和当地人很好的结合,而不像大广场那里都是游客。
The exteriors of St. Gery Hall. The hall is a fine architectural example of 19th-century public market in Brussels.
St. Gery厅是一座19世纪建成的市场,我很喜欢这个建筑。
The building was completely restored several years ago. Now it is open everyday from 10 to 18 o’clock. It is used as a permanent information and exhibition space, with urban planning and heritage as its central themes. Many temporary exhibitions are held here every month. Inside there is a cafe and snack bar.
Every first Sunday of the month, there is a vintage market taking place in the hall.
Sunday vintage market with friend
The square is located in a cool area of Brussels city, near Les Marolles district. I saw some young artists painting graffiti on the walls.
Seemingly quiet in the morning
Getting more lively at noon
Getting totally popular from afternoon.
Belgium a beer Kingdom, I hope when you come visit, it would be a sunny day, then you can enjoy tasting all different Belgian beers in the terraces here.
In the Place St. Gery area, there are many Asian restaurants as well, sometimes we call this area “Little Asia”. If you like Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese food, after a couple of drinks in Place St. Gery, you can find your dinner easily around.
St. Gery广场附近也有很多亚洲餐厅,当地人喜欢叫这里“小亚洲”。从泰国菜到粤菜,应有尽有。可以喝完酒,再去周边找一家吃晚饭。
Streets near Place St. Gery. Besides the great cafe culture and nightlife, there are also many nice independent shops worth checking out.