On my last day in Tehran, I spent half of my afternoon in the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art. Not until I went there, did I realize there was a temporary Tony Cragg exhibition going on. Just in case you haven’t heard about him, Tony Cragg is born in Liverpool, one of the most important contemporary sculptors. You may find his works in many German cities (He’s not living in Wuppertal). Cragg doesn’t limit his sculpture works to any materials. You find all extensive materials out of his works: wood, glass, steel, bronze, plastic and ceramics. Cragg has always been searching for the ideal combination of material and form. For him, sculpture is a study of how material can affect and form human emotions and ideas.
The forms and images made by artists are seldom the result of groundless innovations, but result out of their understanding of their existence, which in turn can only reflect the knowledge, history and beliefs of the artist’s culture. Tony Cragg.
The exhibition is called “Stones and Roots”. It celebrates the diversity and energy charaterizing this productive sculptor.
The museum is located on the west side of Laleh Park, a peaceful area, where there are many cafes around. Unlike most modern art museums, Tehran’s Contemporary Art Museum has rather dark interiors.
Tony Cragg has brought us into the world of imagination and surprise. That’s absolutely the reason I love modern art, no matter how much you can understand the artist’s idea, you can always imagine it in your own ways.
This two pieces of glass sculpture were my favorite of the whole collection. The glass is made in Murano Island, Venice. It was interesting to see how the transparency of glass engages with Cragg’s works.
What do you think of this one with all faces around it? I think it was cute.
我在德黑兰的最后一天,决定去当代艺术馆看看。我很喜欢当代艺术,虽然通常都很抽象,好像很难懂,然而有时候很能被大众接受,任何人都可以凭想象力给这些作品赋予自己的定义,不需要懂很多艺术史,也就可以欣赏。 当代艺术馆位于德黑兰的Laleh公园的西边。公园一带是德黑兰最有艺术感的区域,附近也有很多不错的咖啡店。想要逃离都市的喧哗,不妨来这里咖啡店坐坐,顺便逛逛博物馆。我是当天到了的时候才发现正在举办塑像艺术家Tony Cragg的展览,叫做“石头和根基”。也许你还不是很熟悉他,但是在德国一些城市(现在Cragg先生住在德国的Wuppertal)可以看到他的很有特色抽象雕刻,也许你曾经在哪里看过他的作品呢。没想到这个大名鼎鼎的英国塑像艺术家去伊朗做展览。Cragg说就是要把作品带到没有什么人知道他的国家。 从事塑像艺术一游四十余年,Cragg先生一直还在不停寻找材料的新的可能性。他的作品永远不限于材料。这里展示的作品包括了黄铜,玻璃,金属,木质,塑料等。在这其中我最喜欢的是玻璃作品,在各种颜色的包围下,这两个透明玻璃材质的作品显得很特别。最让我难忘的是一个椭圆形的布满人脸的黄铜材质的塑像。是不是有点诡异,我觉得它特别可爱。 除了这个临时展览,艺术馆本身建筑也很漂亮,值得一看。