Trip Report: from Buenos Aires to Lima [Part 2] – Uyuni


Trip Report: from Buenos Aires to Lima [Part 1]

Some notes for the route :

Local Bus to the salt flat?

Last post we stopped at taking the train from border town Villazon to UyuniUyuni is a super touristic place, full of different tours. But you don’t really need to follow a tour to go to the flat if you don’t want to. There’s at least one local daily bus going there.

  • There’s a city called Tupiza, where you can take a tour to San Pedro de Atacama in Chile and see the famous colourful alpine lakes in between. It could make sense if your final destination is Chile. From Tupiza you can also take a tour to see the red lake and the salt flat and the tour ends in Uyuni.
  • The buses that pass the salt monument and Isla Incahuasi leave at around 12:30 and the bus ride takes 1h30. There are two bus companies: Trans Tours Asuncion and Bus Villca, check out both. Day tours to the salt flat isn’t that expensive but the local bus is almost free and more fun. The bus back from Isla Incahuasi to Uyuni leaves around 18:30 and 13:00.
  • I couldn’t find any local buses to the Alpine lakes, but afterwards I heard from another budget traveller there is a local bus leaving every Thursday to the lake. Let me know if you could take this adventure.

I got my bus ticket to Salar de Uyuni with my very limited Spanish.

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The bus I took, it’s amazing, it could ride all the way across the salt flats and into the villages nearby.

The alpine lakes that are included in any 3-day tours from Uyuni. I didn’t see them myself because I don’t like multi-day tours and couldn’t find any local bus to get there.

Overnight in Isla Incahuasi?

Isla Incahuasi is the well-known cactus island in Salar de Uyuni. The island is super small and there aren’t any hotels or accommodations on the island. Still deciding to stay a night there was a fun experience, as you don’t need to get up early to see the sunrise the next day. The place where I slept is simple, just a storage room that you can ask for at the entrance.

  • To stay overnight in there storage room, pay the island entrance fee 30bs, ask the personnel for the room to sleep, it costs 30bs (3.5euro) per person. Better bring your own sleeping bag with you, you will get a key so you can leave the sleeping bag in the room while going for a walk.
  • There is a restaurant on the island so no worries but bring some snacks with you if you wish to overnight there.
  • The room is super simple, but it makes a fun experience for me.

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Isla Incahuasi

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Enjoying the sunset, as long as possible.

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Too lazy to go out to see the sunrise, just staying in bed admiring the view from my room ?

Mirror Effect at non-rain season?

When in Isla Incahuasi, I noticed that you almost don’t find any water anywhere, let alone the incredible mirror-like effect. But the beginning of April was only at the very end of the rainy season, in some parts in the salt flats, a big area’s of water can be found. As it goes into the dry season, the mirror effect can be more and more difficult to be found, normally until the end of May, you can still find tours that can find water for you.

  • The rainy season in Uyuni is from December to March. The mirror effect can be seen during and shortly before and after the rainy season. But sometimes due to the flood, some area such as Isla Incahuasi can be inaccessible (which means the local bus can be cancelled), the tour company will take you to some accessible spot to see the mirror effect.
  • A Japanese tour agency Hodaka and a Korean tour agency Brisa in Uyuni try their best to find water for you. We Asians are apparently more obsessive with the mirror effect. lol
  • The tour by Brisa begins at 16:00 and ends at around 20:00. They provide rain boots.

The tour agency

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The “mirror”, there isn’t much water left if looking carefully.

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布宜诺斯艾利斯Buenos Aires 5晚 – 萨塔Salta 2晚 – Humahuaca 2晚 – 边界La Quiaca/Villazon (border) 1晚 – 乌尤尼Uyuni 3晚 – Oruro 1晚 – Patacamaya (transit) – Sajama National Park   3晚 – Patacamaya (transit) – 拉帕斯La Paz 4晚 – Tuni Condoriri 1晚 – 科帕卡瓦纳Copacabana 2晚 – Juliaca airport – 利马Lima 4晚




-穿越盐湖的巴士公司有两家,Trans Tours Asuncion和Bus Villca,后者中午12:00开车(有时晚上5点还会加一班)。路线是从乌尤尼穿越盐湖的纪念碑(有很多国旗的那个地方)以及Isla Incahuasi仙人掌岛(乌尤尼到岛车程1个半小时)。下午1点和6点左右有一班车从仙人掌岛开回乌尤尼。




在乌尤尼的旅行团街,有两家日韩旅行社, Hodaka和Brisa,他们会带你去找水,找到天空之镜。大概亚洲人对镜面比较有迷思,大部分墙上写的感谢信都是日语和韩语。

如果你的路线不需要经过乌尤尼,比如从阿根廷去智利,途径玻利维亚。你不一定需要在乌尤尼停留,从边境到乌尤尼之间还有个城市叫Tupiza,从Tupiza可以直接去智利的San Pedro de Atacama,达到旅行社都可以提供三天的行程,经过玻利维亚南部的五彩的高山湖,也经过盐湖。也有很多Tupiza的旅社提供另一种途径红湖,最好在乌尤尼结束的两日行程,顺路的可以考虑,我不是很喜欢多日的团,所以没有参加。



Trip Report: from Buenos Aires to Lima [Part 3]

Trip Report: from Buenos Aires to Lima [Part 4]