Funfair is in Town, market squares full of Rides and Sweets


The other day I visited a funfair museum in Paris, today I’m going to show my dear Steemit friends the real fairground here in Belgium.

This kind of small traveling funfair is very typical in Europe. In Belgium, many fair trucks travel for a couple of days to a small village, a couple of weeks to a bigger city. Normally they would occupy one or two squares in town. Funfair takes place at the beginning of September. I think it’s a great timing. Because it’s always difficult to be back to the school after a long summer holiday. I believe funfair can make kids’ returning to schools much easier.



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Just like the old days, there are many attractions and amusement rides, both for kids and adults, in the funfair. Most of them aren’t as adventurous and complicated as those in the permanent amusement parks.


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Game room, they have some typical machines to play. Mainly crane machines and slot machines here.


Ghost house


Shooting games




Another important thing in the fair is the funfair food. Most of them you can find in other shops but some you can only find once a year, in a funfair. Let me show you some of them. Both young and old love the funfair food!



In Belgium, waffles are the most important and symbolic snacks. We (mostly me?) do eat a lot of them but mainly the plain ones. Those with fruits and cream are super festive.



Churros is a traditional Spanish dessert and breakfast. They are like waffles, have many varieties. We don’t find them much here though, other than in the funfair or the Christmas markets.


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These sugar- or chocolate-coated fruits are the most popular funfair food. They look similar as a traditional Chinese dessert but back home the most commonly used-fruit is the sweet-sour Chinese hawthorn.




Also different kind of candies, nougats, lollipops and that purple cone-shaped one, cuberdon, a very traditional Belgian candy. It’s raspberry-flavored and made with gum arabic. Some love it, some hate it. I personally don’t think it’s bad. If you come to Belgium, try it out and let me know if you love it or not.

各种可爱的糖果:牛轧糖,棒棒糖…… 这个圆锥形的紫色糖果是比利时很有特色的一种糖,叫做cuberdon。外层是用阿拉伯胶糖做的,里面是树莓口味的果酱。有人喜欢吃,有人很讨厌它,我觉得并不难吃就对了。如果你来比利时别忘了尝一尝,然后告诉我你觉得怎么样。

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My favorite is still the ice cream. In the funfair they give out (mainly to kids) a little colorful stick that you can put in the ice cream. I think my ice cream is cooler than yours!

我最喜欢的还是冰淇淋。在游园会买冰淇淋会发一个可以插进冰淇淋的彩色小旗,非常欢乐。你看,我的冰淇淋比你们的更酷 (^-^)