I saw a lot of starfish on the Starfish Beach in Phu Quoc


In Phu Quoc island, there’s a beach called Starfish Beach. You can already guess there must be a lot of starfish!

From anywhere of the island to get to Starfish Beach, you need ti go through quite a part of unpaved road, so if you decide to ride motorbike there, make sure you are a good driver.

(blurry screenshot from video clip I took on the road while driving there)

I’m for sure not, but luckily the owner of my homestay, Fon, is so kind to offer me a ride there. It was a difficult drive. The homestay family (Thom local beach homestay) is super nice, although they don’t speak much English but they try their best to help you, I’ll never forget such hospitality.

Happy we arrived!

I thought Phu Quoc is becoming somewhat touristic, but this part of the island is just so tranquille and lovely. So far I haven’t seen any tourists yet, also haven’t found an atm or exchange yet, luckily I just bring enough cash for food these days 😭

I guess the beach we went wasn’t officially Starfish Beach, but a smaler beach just 200-300 meters from it, where you see some local fishermen set their bungalows. You can see many starfish here as well!

there’s a fruitbar

Fishermen’s little hut, where we met some interesting local kids, and later swam together with them.

Water is so clear, great to take a dip, almost as amazing as Zanzibar or the Caribe.

If you take a walk or swin a bit further in the sea, you see a lot of starfish, I’ve never seen so many of them!

Yes not that many on the beach, those were the ones we picked up from the sea, but still, there were so many of them!

Isn’t it beautiful?