Calle Blai – The popular Tapas Street of Barcelona 巴塞罗那的Tapas街

“Tapeo” (the art of eating tapas) is an important part of the Spanish culture and the social scene. The word “tapas” comes from the Spanish word “tapar” which means “to cover”. Normally tapas consist of a bread which is topped with a slice of meat, Spanish jamon, cheese or other small portions of dishes, in a tapas bar you might also see some dessert.

In Spain, tapas bars are always lively and full of talks and laughter as the most important thing about eating tapas is to gather a friends and to socialize when Spanish people drink beer or sangria and eat tapas.

I love tapas, it kinda reminds me of those summer nights when I lived in Southern China. We have a similar culture and we call that “Dai pai dong”, it’s like a food market street where you grab some BBQ and beer, socializing with friends late at night.

每次提到西班牙文化,不得不说说他们的Tapas文化。 在西班牙随处可见Tapas吧,通常指正餐之前作为前菜食用的各种小吃。Tapas变化多样,可以是简单的奶酪火腿,也可以是烹饪过的鱼或者虾。西班牙人喜欢跟朋友去Tapas吧聚会,大家一起聊天,喝酒,配上各种小吃仪器分享。Tapas文化也是一直社交文化。


Lost in Fes, an ancient Labyrinth town in Morocco

Arab architecture has always fascinated me, with its unique geometric and interlace patterned ornaments. I always dreamed to visit those a far away Arab world. There are many good flight connections from Belgium to Morocco, so I started my Arab adventure in Morocco and hopefully I can visit more Arab countries in the future. Morocco is quite developed in the tourism industry. I was joking with friends that every riad (a garden that is applied to town houses built round a central courtyard) becomes a guesthouse in the medina (old town) of the major Moroccan cities and everyone is doing something associated with tourism. Today I’m going to show my dear Steemit friends to Fes city.

Trip to Claude Monet’s Home and Gardens in Giverny

Today I went on a day trip to Claude Monet’s House and Gardens in Giverny. I’ve heard about Monet’s story of Giverny before and I always wanted to visit it one day. Monet noticed Giverny while looking out of a train window. Later he rented a house at the area. In 1890 he gathered enough money to buy the house and created the magnificent gardens he wanted to paint. I’ve seen many of his paintings he painted in the garden before, which made me want to visit Giverny one day. Claude Monet is not only a genius impressionist painter, but also a very talented gardener. His garden in Giverny is all gardeners’ dream. The gardens were filled with beautiful flowers. Some I had never seen before.